Usually when your are expecting, after nine months you have a baby in your arms. In adoption, nine months is just the beginning. Of course our journey has been much longer than nine months, but in official terms, our dossier was sent to Ethiopian nine months ago. I'm actually feel peace right now. I truly go through the emotions from day to day, but today I feel at peace. We are still VERY hopeful for a referral, court date and travel before August. I can't even think otherwise. It HAS to happen. Today I'm meeting my adoption blog friend
Missy! Since I'm still in Texas and she is just two hours away, she's coming down to meet for lunch. I'm so excited to get to meet the second adoptive mommy from our agency that has the same date as us! I'll post pictures soon. I have one more mommy that I still need to meet, you know who you are. maybe we'll meet in!