March 30, 2010

Spring Break 2010 (Dallas)

The tour of Texas! That is what we are calling our recent vacation during Spring Break. We took a much needed vacation back home to show off our little lady. Marley hadn't seen most of our family and it was time. She is boding and attaching very very well and we felt comfortable enough to take her home and pass her around. Plus we needed to get out of these winter clothes! Ahhhhh, it was so nice and warm!
Our first stop was Dallas. We have some old friends there. Okay, so they aren't "old" they have just been friends of ours since Brandon and I started dating. Their kids are the same age as our kids. Miles and Trey had a BLAST! It seems that every time they get together, I capture the funniest picture of them! I know they aren't going to like it when I bring these out in 10 years!
Miles is saying goodbye to Trey early in the morning. Sweet boys!

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