June 23, 2008


So, we are off manana to have it notarized and off to Austin to have it Authenticated and then it's off to our agency and then hopefully off to Ethiopia by August! Yeah us!!!!!


Renee said...

yay!! congrats- now hurry and get your dossier sent :-)

Amanda and John said...

Awesome! Waiting for that little piece of paper was the hardest thing for me! Congrats! Is your dossier off?!

Gretchen said...


I've been checking in on your blog for a bit now.... I want to send you my congrats on the paperwork. Ends up we got ours today! Now we just need to get down to Denver for that state seal. I wonder if we'll be traveling together (I know, I know... we've still got the big wait to go through!)?

Again- congrats!

Gretchen said...

I just noticed your time line- we mailed our CHI application on January 1st. A wonderful "welcome to 2008" gift, 'eh?

Annie said...

congrats on getting the golden ticket!!! Another step closer to bringing home your child :)

Children's Hope International said...

Congratulations! This is a big step!!

Jennifer N.